[Summary explanation]It is a timer with an alarm that tells you when the time for each stretching mo...
[Summary explanation]It is a timer with an alarm that tells you when the time for each stretching movement has passed. This allows you to do a focused stretch without having to mentally count the time.In addition to stretching, you can also be notified of various time lapses.[Start screen explanation]"✕"...Terminates the app."⏱"...Starts measuring the selected stretch content. (See explanation on measurement screen)"+"...New stretch content will be added. (See explanation of input/correction screen)"✎"...Modify the selected stretch content. (See explanation on registration screen)"Delete"...Deletes all the selected stretch contents."Notification time"...Set between 5 and 30 seconds."Volume"...Set OFF, 20% to 80%."2D barcode"...You can display the 2D barcode of the selected stretch content and add the stretch content by reading the 2D barcode."Theme"...Set defaults for light, dark, and system."about"...Set defaults for brightness, darkness, and system."Close"...Terminates the app.You can change the position up or down by long-pressing the stretch name item. ("▲" moves up, "▼" moves down, "■" ends the movement.)[Measurement screen explanation]"▶"...Starts measurement."||"...Measurement will be temporarily stopped."■"...Restarts the paused measurement."▶|"...Interrupts the item currently being measured and starts the next item.When measurement of all items is completed, the screen returns to the start screen."✕"...Return to the start screen."times": Number of repetitions“S”: Sound (alarm sound) presence/absence and number."V": Presence or absence of vibration and pattern number"xx seconds": Waiting time (If the horizontal line is Yes, there will be a time elapsed message)[Explanation of input/correction screen]"✕": Registration will be canceled without modifying the contents."✓"...The entered content will be registered.In Name, enter the name of the stretch content.The sequential number specifies the order of stretching.★Input a brief explanation of the stretch in the content field.★For measurement time, enter the stretching time.★For the number of measurements, specify 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or up to 9 times.★For the number of seconds to wait, specify one of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 seconds.★For the alarm, specify the presence or absence and type of alarm sound.★For vibration, specify whether or not to vibrate and a pattern from 1 to 5. If it is other than none, a notification will be displayed.To save input, if you press and hold the title name part of each item with ★ displayed, all stretch items will be displayed. The content can be the same. [Registration screen explanation]This is the screen where you can add, modify, delete, etc. each movement item of the stretch content."Copy icon"...An additional input/correction screen will be displayed in which the contents of the selected action item have been entered. (See explanation of input/correction screen)"✎"...The input/correction screen for the selected action item will be displayed. (See explanation of input/correction screen)"+"...The additional entry/correction screen will be displayed. (See explanation of input/correction screen)"Trash can"...The selected action item can be deleted."✕"...Return to the start screen.By long-pressing an item, you can change its position up or down. ("▲" moves up, "▼" moves down, "■" ends the movement.)